CPP Cohort 4
The Young Child PTSD Checklist (YCPC)* is a screening questionnaire used to assess caregiver-reported symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among young children (ages 1-6). Domains assessed include DSM 5 PTSD symptom categories B-D for children (i.e., re-experiencing, avoidance or negative alterations in cognition, and alterations in arousal and reactivity) and functional impairment.
Descriptive Statistics: Pre- and post- treatment assessment measure means, standard deviations, and standard errors for each subscale of the YCPC, total severity of PTSD symptoms, and functional impairment are listed in the table below, as well as the range of possible scores and cutoffs for probable PTSD diagnosis.
YCPC Subscales: Descriptive Statistics
Repeated Measures Analyses: Paired samples t-tests were conducted to examine pre-post group mean differences on the YCPC subscales, overall diagnosis level, and functional impairment scores. Analyses showed statistically significant improvement in all scales: intrusion symptoms, avoidance or negative alterations in cognition and mood, alterations in arousal and reactivity, overall diagnosis level, and functional impairment.
YCPC Subscales: Paired Sample t-tests
YCPC Subscales: Pre-Post Treatment Mean Scores
YCPC Overall: Pre-Post Treatment Mean Scores
Individual Clinically-Significant Change:
At pre-treatment, 8 clients had YCPC Overall Diagnosis Level scores at or above the probable PTSD diagnostic level cutoff score of 26. None of these clients were missing post-treatment data for this scale. Analysis showed that the YCPC Overall Diagnosis Level score for 7 of these 8 clients (88%) decreased to non-probable PTSD diagnostic levels by post-treatment. At pre-treatment, 10 clients had YCPC Functional Impairment scores at or above the probable PTSD diagnostic level cutoff score of 4. None of these clients were missing post-treatment data for this scale. Analysis showed that the YCPC Functional Impairment score for 6 of the 10 clients (60%) decreased to non-probable PTSD diagnostic levels by post-treatment. Individual clinically significant change was unable to be determined for the subscales of Intrusion Symptoms, Avoidance or Negative Alterations in Cognition and Mood, and Alterations in Arousal and Reactivity because clinical cutoff scores are not yet available for analysis of this data.
*Scheeringa, M.S. (2013). Young Child PTSD Checklist. Tulane University, New Orleans, LA