TF-CBT Cohorts 16-18
The UCLA PTSD Reaction Index for DSM 5 (UCLA PTSD RI – DSM 5) – Child/Adolescent Version* is a youth self-report measure of their PTSD symptoms (i.e., DSM 5 symptom categories B – E for PTSD diagnosis: re-experiencing, avoidance and numbing, increased arousal, and alterations in arousal and reactivity), dissociative symptoms, and their severity.
Descriptive Statistics: Pre- and post-treatment assessment measure means, standard deviations, and standard errors for each subscale of the UCLA PTSD-RI are listed in the table below, as well as the range of possible scores for each subscale. The UCLA PTSD-RI for DSM 5 is in the process of being validated. As such, clinical cutoffs are not yet available for analysis of this data.
UCLA PTSD RI for DSM-5 Subscales: Descriptive Statistics
Repeated Measures: Repeated measures analyses (paired samples t-tests) were conducted to examine pre-post group mean differences on UCLA PTSD-RI subscales and Total scores. Analyses showed statistically significant improvement in PTSD symptoms and severity in all domains.
UCLA PTSD RI for DSM-5 Subscales: Paired Sample t-tests
UCLA PTSD RI for DSM-5 Subscales: Pre-post Treatment Mean Scores
UCLA PTSD RI for DSM-5 Total Severity Scores: Pre-post Treatment Mean Scores
Individual Clinically-Significant Change: At pre-treatment, 348 clients had pre-treatment UCLA PTSD-RI Total Severity scores at or above the clinical cut-off score of 35. Of note, 143 clients were missing post-treatment data for the UCLA PTSD-RI Total Severity scores. Analysis of the clients with post-treatment data showed that the UCLA PTSD-RI Total Severity scores for 155 of 205 (76%) of these clients decreased to non-clinically significant levels at post-treatment.
* Steinberg, A. M., Brymer, M., Decker, K., & Pynoos, R. S. (2004). The UCLA PTSD Reaction Index. Current Psychiatry Reports, 6, 96-100.