Robert Murphy, PhD, has served as the Executive Director of the Center for Child & Family Health since 2004. He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences at Duke University School of Medicine and an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill School of Public Health. A clinical psychologist with a doctorate from the University of Massachusetts, he completed training and joined the faculty of the Yale Child Study Center, directing evaluation for the National Center for Children Exposed to Violence.
Dr. Murphy is co-principal investigator on a long-term project to reduce community-wide maltreatment in Durham County, NC. He is also one of the developers of Family Connects, a brief, universal, postnatal home-visiting program that is being disseminated nationally. Two randomized controlled trials indicate improved and sustained infant, family, maltreatment, and health service utilization outcomes. He leads efforts to improve military families’ access to and use of evidence-based mental health services and is an investigator for the Millennium Cohort Family Study, a longitudinal study of military families and their functioning. He has been active in the National Child Traumatic Stress Network since 2001.
Areas of Focus: Implementation and Dissemination of Evidence-Based Interventions, Child Traumatic Stress, Evidence-Based Prevention of and Treatment for Child Maltreatment and Traumatic Stress, Military Families